Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 New Year's Resolutions!

1.) Be healthier/ Lose 50lbs! Cliche? Yes. Serious? Also yes. 

2.) Blog three times a week. I love blogging and I want to get serious. 

3.) Get great grades in school. I'm going into my 
first semester of college in two weeks. I fell into depression and got terrible grades in HS. I don't want a repeat. 

4.) Save at least $50 from each paycheck. I want to visit my twin!

5.) Make a list of positive things every day. I want to be happier and be more positive. Hopefully I'll have less sad days. 

6.) Start a YouTube channel. It's something I've wanted to do
for a long time. I need to have courage. 

7.) Learn more about tea. A weird resolution, but I like tea. 

I reserve the right to add as I go along ;)
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Anybody there?

Hello, I'm Jessica and I'm a blog procrastinator. 

It's not that I don't like it so I avoid it like the plague, it's just that I get discouraged.

But here I am. I'm blogging.

The last few days have been terrible in my slice of the world. I've had a dreadful cold and have been stuck in the house curled up in my messy room just wanting to die. But I didn't. I DID clean my room though. Finally. 
Does anyone else get into the kind of funks I get into? I'm so weird. I'll clean my room and love how clean and organized it is, then it'll gradually get messier until it looks like a tornado came through. Then, after a week of misery because my brain hates the mess, I spend 2 hours cleaning my room. It's a vicious cycle. 
I know that it will only take less than 10 minutes to clean up after myself everyday. I don't know why I'm so lazy. That's going to be a new year's resolution, I think. Along with losing weight (for real) and finally meeting my twin Paulina at Color Me Brave

Another New Year's Resolution will definitely be blogging. It's something that I love and I really want to get more into it. I want to make more friends and be happier, and I think it's a great first step. 

Au Revoir

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