Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tiny Tip Tuesday! #1

Welcome to Tiny Tip Tuesday! 

These are going to be some tiny tips that are big help!

The first tip has to do with Vaseline. Yes, Vaseline. May the jokes commence.

Do you ever just dread tweezing? I know I do. But it doesn't have to be painful! 

All you have to do for painless tweezing is to apply a little Vaseline to the area and, with sharp tweezers, pull the hair out gently. No pain!

If you are really  sensitive, I'd tweeze your brows (or any other pesky hairs) right after getting out of the shower!


  1. Thanks for that! I've tried doing it after the shower before and it's really nice!

    1. I hope you find it useful! I know I did. I hated tweezing so much that I'd let myself have caterpillars above my eyes between waxing. Now I don't need to wax!
